Let's start with the basics, as the blog name suggests my name is Andy. From racing a 250 MZ, to touring on my Honda NC750X, to taking part in classic bike events in the UK and Europe, I am never very far away from a bike.
I don't want to bore you all with 'I did this and then I did that,' so I'll try and keep this intro relatively brief.
I've been bike mad my entire life. Both Grandads rode bikes, my Dad still does and we do a lot of miles together on Vintage and Classic events. I honestly cant remember learning to ride a bike and was making a mess of my mum's lawn on a Montesa trials bike before I finished primary school.
My first 50cc moped was waiting in the garage before I turned 16 and I passed my bike test before my car one. The car came later once I decided those cold winter journeys are more pleasant with a heater! I've been fortunate enough to never have to rely on a bike for commuting or as a sole means of transport, so it has always been a passion and hobby that I don't get tired of.
Influenced by my Dad and Grandads, I have had keen interest in classic bikes since I was very young and, as well as continuing to ride them regularly, I have more recently taken up racing on a 250 MZ and bought a brand new (2023) Honda with the intension of doing more solo touring.
Whilst posting daily updates for friends and family on my personal Facebook page during a two week solo trip through Europe in September 2023, I discovered how much I enjoy writing. The idea of starting a blog was born.
So here we are, it's January 2024 and it's time to introduce Andy On 2 Wheels. I'm looking forward to writing about my experiences on two wheels, and maybe a few of the things I get up to off the bike. If I can entertain other people in the process, well, that's even better.